
Do You Like Bitter?

In the book of John 14: 6, JESUS said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one cometh to the Father, but by me.” At another time, in John 8:32, He said, you shall know the truth, and, the truth that you know shall set or make you free. JESUS also said, in the same John 8:31, that his true disciples are those who continue in His words, His truths. For those who abide, or continue in God’s words, God’s truth and Christ’s words can be a spring of divine life in them.1475874_10200337680484142_717435518_n

“For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth.” Psalms 33:4 (KJV)

There is  a common saying that “truth Is bitter.”

Two things have always been critically important since creation of mankind. Both are determined by absolute truths or fabrications/half-truths. They have been what you hear that gives direction to your life, and where you hang around. They are instructions that you obey, and where you are located. They are who you listen to, and the atmosphere/environment that you are exposed to. Either one is based on God’s choice or your own otherwise influenced choice. They are both alike but not the same. They are either original or counterfeited. They are either authentic or fabricated. They can be the real deal or outright fake. They are either absolutely of God or absolutely of Familiar Spirits.

Familiar spirits are spiritual influences that provides alternative solutions to God’s. Since everything in life is traceable back to God, familiar spirits are fake gods with underlying spiritual controls on people. They operate very similar to God since they have known God for millions of years. Familiar spirits are hard to detect for average human beings. It takes close interaction with the word of God and the Holy Spirit to detect, decipher and discern the difference between such “godliness” and God.

There is a simple test to find out major difference between familiar spirit operations & God’s will operations. What God offers mankind is usually contrary to what is soul-desired. What familiar spirits offer are easier to rationalize, operate and engage in. Familiar Spirit operations & operators specialize in, or, are specialists in, delivering half truths which are never spiritually wholesome to anyone.

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For example:

  1. King Saul found it easier to accept and adjust to instructions and directions from a witch of Endor than to have engaged in a hundred percent obedience to God’s instructions, and positive influence from His servant, prophet Samuel in 1 Sam 28.
  2. The king of Israel preferred to be prophesied to, according to his itchy ears, than to accept bitter truths from scarce-to-find Holy-Spirit-led, God-inspired prophet in 1 King 22 from the first verse. The lone prophet that prophesied truth was locked up in prison, while the 99% prophet-lairs were left free to continue to roam around, perpetrating their demonic wares. Most people love to hear what they prefer, than to be told truth. Truth is very bitter to almost everybody.
  3. Many people loved JESUS when he mostly attended to their physical wholeness needs. The moment he started sharing eternal-life-related spiritual bitter truths, they all quit on him and began to avoid him like a plague. (see John 6 from verse 10, especially note verse 15.)

Most people can rarely handle bitter truth. Unless bitter truth is “sugar-coated” most folks would stay away from its source. Meanwhile, whenever bitter-truth is sugar-coated, its 100% effectiveness is washed out. Sugar coatings destroy critical essence of absolute truth. With God, 99.99% or less “truth” is no longer His own acceptable absolute truth.

I know what it is like to be rejected when 100% truth is shared. I have been dealt with by many who secretly, ferociously and viciously fought back to attack me and credibility without necessarily arguing with what was sincerely shared to help them grow up spiritually. Familiar-spirit-backed and motivated human beings are dangerous people. They can go to any length to frustrate God’s grace upon any minister of truth.olaa5

Since the enemy of “best” is “good”, the enemy of truth is half-truth or “close-enough-truth.” Close-enough-truth is why many are languishing in jails or prisons. Close-enough-truth is why many marriages are engaged in, halfhearted. Close-enough-truth is why many congregations are being led into spiritual errors. Close-enough-truth is why many would not make heaven, but end up in hell fire. Close-enough-truth is why the first woman was deceived and became Eve. Close-enough-truth is why Moses was barred from the promise land, at the last minute. It is why he died, falling short of God’s approval, regardless that he performed well with God 90% plus, but not up to 100%. We serve a God of 100% truth. Even though JESUS is our advocate that can cover up for our short-falls, yet He and God expects us to put in our 100% commitment.

There is no ways you and I can be approved in God if we only accept JESUS, the truth, and JESUS’ truth, less than 100%. Its either 100% of JESUS, or you are trapped with fabricated, familiar-spirit-projected-Jesus. It is better to accept the truth-FULL gospel of Christ than to allow yourself and life to be guided on pure fabrications and counterfeits of God’s words.

True words of God are hard-to-receive because humans are born with intrinsic, anti-God spiritual-gene nature. And, JESUS was sent by God, to renew our basic nature, and to, relocate us into a Holy-Spirit-led renewed-mind mental-locations. We all need to be more open to receiving God’s words and God’s directions which may not feel good enough for our carnal senses. The more bitter reality checks we have with our Maker, through the Lord JESUS, the better we get spiritually molded for God.

I hope you are not anti-bitter. Truth is very bitter. When it is received and adjusted to, it brings about desired healing and peaceful Godly climate, in the shorter or longer run.

This is the prayer that I pray for myself so I can live by God’s truths, bitter or not. I hope you can pray it too.

DSCN3384“My God and my maker, I ask that you help me to be open to accept your words at all times and through whatever medium. Since I made JESUS the lord of my life, it is my desire to live by His views and opinions for my life. I pray LORD, that you send true ministers who will not mince words to pass on your truths into my life. I ask for grace that I belong less rigid about having my ways, and operating by itchy hears. I know that my life will be more pleasing to you when I yield more to your truths. Please help me, and help me INDEED. In JESUS name I prayed. Amen & amen.


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Apostle Olan Elujoba preaches, teaches, authors, publishes and broadcasts God’s words, in obedience to a calling he received to pursue the GREAT COMMISSION since about 30 years ago. He heads Worldwide WORD Missions, a global initiative that torches lives by God’s words, by the power of the Holy Spirit, till millions of lives shine as lights for JESUS Christ, Our LORD!bishop olaa3 trmd

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